With our expertise in international trade and customs regulations we help you navigate complex customs processes and ensure smooth cross-border transports. When having a partner that helps with customs you can save money and time. We offer a complete solution with all the different modes of transport as well as customs clearance.
Das Feinpunktheftgerät ist ein muss für eine exakte Temperaturkontrolle am Werkstück. Durch eine schnelle und einfache Befestigung vom Thermoelement am Material erlangt man genaue Messergebnisse.
Dieses Gerät zeichnet sich durch sein Gewicht und die geringe Größe aus.
Deshalb wird es von jedem Glühtechniker bevorzugt verwendet.
Obgleich das Gerät so klein und leicht ist hat es doch alle Eigenschaften, die ein großes Feinpunktheftgerät auch hat. Das Gerät kann sich während der Arbeit durchgehend in der dazu gehörigen, bequemen Umhängetasche befinden, sodass es vor Nässe und Hitze geschützt ist.
Spannung:4 x AA 1,5 V Batterien
Gewicht:540 g
Größe:190 mm (H) x 137 mm (B) x 45 mm (T)
Akku-Lebensdauer:ca. 250 Schweißungen bei 30 Joule mit neuen Batterien
Stromstärke:max. 63 Volt beim Punkten
Schutzart:IP 30
Entraxe : 14,93 km
Produit : Charbon
Débit : 3 250 t/h
Autres Caractéristiques :
Dénivelé de +992 m
Puissance installée - 10 100 kW
Vitesse de bande - 8,4 m/s
Menu cards are an important element in every restaurant, café house or cafeteria. Interesting, attractive and well-made menu will certainly encourage customers to take advantage of the offer. Our proposal includes folded, standing and flat menus of any size and shape. We offer a wide selection of papers with various finishing and refinement options. We also print on cardboard, plastics or synthetic paper, resistant to moisture, fat and mechanical damage.
Table talkers are a great addition to the restaurant menu. They are universal, eye-catching marketing and information tools with a wide range of applications in many different industries. Although they are mostly used in bars or restaurants, to catch customer’s eye while eating, they can also be useful in stores, hotels, service shops and conference rooms. Tabletop advertising is a very effective, affordable and easy way to encourage customers to use additional services, take part in a competition or try a partner's offer.
Servicio de traducción urgente por agencia de traducción con certificados de calidad ISO 9001 y UNE EN 15038. Gestión de grandes volúmenes de traducción sin merma de la calidad. Tenemos una base de datos de más de 10.000 traductores y podemos cumplir el plazo que nos indique con garantía de calidad. Traducción urgente, exprés, traducciones de un día para otra aprovechando las diferencias horarias de los países donde residen nuestros traductores. Traducciones urgentes en 150 idiomas: árabe, alemán, bosnio, búlgaro, coreano, croata, checo, chino, serbio, danés, eslovaco, esloveno, español, estonio, finés, flamenco, francés canadiense y europeo, griego, húngaro, inglés, irlandés, italiano, japonés, letón, lituano, maltés, neerlandés, noruego, polaco, portugués brasileño y europeo, rumano, ruso, sueco, turco, urdu, hindi, euskera, catalán, gallego, valenciano, vietnamita, etc.
Assisting Companies in the United Kingdom by setting up a distribution hub inside the European Union with the aim of simplifying the distribution of the orders to and from their EU customers.
The Service:
I offer from a central service point a re-routing service, re-labelling the parcels arriving from the UK and forwarding these with the correct documents to the customers in the European Union, so there is no need for every company to have their own warehouse in the European Union.
And take care of VAT reporting, local duties and taxes.
Nous réalisons des tests d’évaluations et des contrôles de références poussés pour évaluer vos candidats
Chez Bilingue Recrutement nous nous efforçons de répondre au mieux à vos besoins et pour cela nous faisons passer aux candidats sélectionnés des tests d’évaluation (oral et écrit) afin de juger leurs compétences linguistiques.
Assisting Companies in the United Kingdom by setting up a distribution hub inside the European Union with the aim of simplifying the distribution of the orders to and from their EU customers.
I offer from a central service point a re-routing service, re-labelling the parcels arriving from the UK and forwarding these with the correct documents to the customers in the European Union, so there is no need for every company to have their own warehouse in the European Union.
And take care of VAT reporting, local duties and taxes,
Assisting Companies in the United Kingdom by setting up a distribution hub inside the European Union with the aim of simplifying the distribution of the orders to and from their EU customers.
The Service:
I offer from a central service point a re-routing service, re-labelling the parcels arriving from the UK and forwarding these with the correct documents to the customers in the European Union, so there is no need for every company to have their own warehouse in the European Union.
And take care of VAT reporting, local duties and taxes.
Assisting Companies in the United Kingdom by setting up a distribution hub inside the European Union with the aim of simplifying the distribution of the orders to and from their EU customers.
The Service:
I offer from a central service point a re-routing service, re-labelling the parcels arriving from the UK and forwarding these with the correct documents to the customers in the European Union, so there is no need for every company to have their own warehouse in the European Union.
And take care of VAT reporting, local duties and taxes.